Switching your company to Ecosia: How it works

Switching your company's standard search engine to Ecosia is the easiest way to take climate action. It’s a small change for IT but it has a huge environmental impact in terms of trees planted. We estimate that a company of 5,000 employees can plant 48,000 trees over the course of a year, simply by using Ecosia. Visit our impact calculator to see how many trees your company can help plant. 

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get planting!

Note: This guide only applies to large companies of more than 1000 employees. Part of a small or medium-sized business? Check out our guides for SMBs!

Step 1 - Fill out our form and have a 1-1 call with Ecosia

So that we can do our best to support your switch to Ecosia, please get in touch by filling out our form. 

Once you have submitted your contact details, we’ll invite you to join a video call. We want to get to know you and ensure we do everything we can to support you throughout the process. It helps to connect person to person, even virtually!

During the call you can expect a detailed overview of Ecosia, some best practice advice, and of course, the chance to ask questions.

The early stages are a great opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with Ecosia and the assets that we have for companies:

Having trouble downloading our resources? Send an email to fred.henderson@ecosia.org.

Step 2 - Present Ecosia to your colleagues 

The wide range of resources provided above can help you share Ecosia with your colleagues. If you’d like one of the Ecosia team to present with you to your sustainability or IT team, let us know and we’ll be happy to join another call. 

Download our assets for companies or speak to your account manager if there’s anything else that you need.

Step 3 - Share our technical guides with IT & invite them to a call

A critical part of successfully switching your company to Ecosia is bringing the IT team onboard early in the process. In terms of IT, switching is super simple. IT can use existing tools such as Microsoft Intune to set Ecosia as the standard search engine in Edge and Chrome.

Ask your IT team to first review our technical guides and then set up a meeting together with them and Ecosia. On a call we can address any technical questions or concerns and explain the steps for measuring your company’s impact with us. 

Note: When IT implements Ecosia, employees can always change their search engine back if they wish to. There are a number of ways to achieve this as outlined in our technical guides.

Step 4 - Data privacy assessment

Like any new software, Ecosia may need to be reviewed by your company’s data security team. Submit a request to them and ask for a review of our privacy policy, terms of service & data diagram. 

We are a privacy-friendly search engine. We do not sell data to advertisers and permanently anonymize the minimal data that we process. 

If they have specific follow up questions, our team is on hand to help.

Step 5 - Run a pilot & evaluate the impact

Every large company that uses Ecosia started by running a pilot. In fact, we think this step is so important we created its own help center article!

Step 6 - Internal comms and roll out

If the pilot was well received by employees and you have approval to continue with Ecosia, you can confirm a rollout timeline with IT. Since the policy has already been set up, IT can extend Ecosia to further devices in just a few more clicks. 

In the meantime, you can start preparing internal comms. It’s important to let employees know about the switch in advance and make everyone aware of the environmental benefits of using Ecosia.

Here are some resources you can share with employees to keep them informed and engaged: 

Step 7 - Automatic reports

For our top contributing companies we can provide a monthly report on the impact. Here we highlight the total number of searches and the estimated number of trees employees have helped to plant.

Share the updates with your colleagues and watch your impact grow!

Diagram showing the monthly report. Above is a graph showing the estimated number of trees planted over time, while the bottom shows the actual searches conducted over time

Have any questions? Get in touch with us today and we’ll be on hand to support. Complete our form or book a call with Fred.

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