Company support material

Looking to use Ecosia at your company and inform your coworkers about the mission? We’ve created for you a series of resources to do just that!

Here you can download our one-pager, case studies, email footers and more! You can find all the resources mentioned in this article via the following link:

If you have any trouble downloading the files in this article, contact us for support.

Overview of Ecosia

Over the past 10+ years our team of reforestation experts has planted over 200 million trees. We plant native trees that don’t just remove CO2; they protect water sources, fight desertification, regenerate soil to increase food security, protect endangered animals and uplift local communities. 

Our large and diverse tree-planting portfolio constitutes over 70 partners in more than 35 countries and we’re planting in over 50,000 locations worldwide! The monthly project updates will take you to a specific location every month and highlight the variety of our projects over the course of the updates!

Visit the financial reports to see the full list of projects that we support each month. You can also visit the tree pages on the Ecosia blog and our YouTube channel for more information about each country we’re planting in.

Follow us on: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, and TikTok for regular updates!

One pager

In just a quick look, the one pager allows your colleagues to get acquainted with Ecosia. Share it in your company’s messaging app of choice and use it to gain support for your campaign. 

Case studies

Hundreds of businesses are taking climate action and making the switch to Ecosia! But don't just take our word for it, download our case studies and see how other businesses have championed Ecosia at their offices. 

Corporate pitch deck

Having a good understanding of how Ecosia works and using examples of our tree-planting projects will be key when promoting us internally. Our pitch deck outlines the important basics, familiarizing you and your team with Ecosia.

Internal comms guidelines

Please ensure that you follow our communication guidelines to accurately represent your impact with us: 

  1. Do not claim to have planted the trees yourselves or that you have supported the projects directly. You must always state “planted by Ecosia” in all communications.
  2. Do download photos from our tree-planting projects to share alongside your post.
    1. Remember to credit and tag Ecosia for any images of ours that you use.
  3. Caption all images with the specific project’s name.

Here is a good example of how to share an update in an internal newsletter:

This month our company’s searches on Ecosia have helped to plant trees across Ecosia's diverse range of projects. Like in Colombia, where together with their partner PUR, Ecosia planted trees next to coffee crops to help restore degraded land and offer local communities an alternative to unsustainable livestock farming practices. Find out more about the impact of your Ecosia searches on the Ecosia blog and YouTube channel.

Colombia, PUR, Ecosia

Ecosia newsletter

Every few months we share a newsletter with the companies searching with us, keeping you up-to-date with our latest tree-planting developments, videos and relevant news! In just two clicks, you can share it with your colleagues so that everyone can see exactly what kind of impact they are having through their searches.

Share your impact on socials

As an organization, you can further increase your climate impact by sharing Ecosia with your network through social media! Our easy to use template allows you to write in your monthly tree contribution total and quickly be ready to post on your socials. Follow the instructions on the Ecosia trees milestone document and help spread the word!

Here are some guidelines we kindly ask you to follow:

What to do:

  • Do say that Ecosia uses the money it makes from advertising to finance tree-planting projects worldwide.
  • Do say that Ecosia is a not-for-profit that publicly publishes its financial reports online.
  • Do share photos of your employees using Ecosia at their desk.
  • Do download photos from our tree-planting projects to share alongside your post.
  • Remember to credit and tag Ecosia for any images of ours that you use.
  • Do seek permission from us first before sharing the figures in your monthly tree-reports externally.

What to avoid:

  • Avoid using the word “partnership” as no formal agreement exists between our organizations.
  • Trees cannot be used for offsetting, so avoid using this language or mentioning that Ecosia is part of your net zero strategy.
  • Do not use our old logo, you can download our new one from this page.

Example post:

We’re using @Ecosia as our company-wide default search engine to help support tree-planting projects across the planet’s biodiversity hotspots. 

Ecosia is a not-for-profit that plants and protects trees with the money it makes through advertising. They’re privacy-friendly and publish financial reports online so we can see exactly where our searches are having an impact.

We’re committed to reducing our environmental impact and with Ecosia we’re turning an easy action into something positive. Have you thought about introducing Ecosia at your workplace? 

#ecosia #trees

Ecosia email footer

Help spread the word by adding Ecosia to your email footer. With your support we can reach even more people and grow the Ecosia community. Copy and paste the Ecosia email footer in the drive.

Make sure the word “ECOSIA” is hyperlinked to this URL ( so that we can monitor the number of new people that start to use Ecosia through this method.

Ecosia desktop backgrounds

Spruce up your computer with our custom Ecosia desktop backgrounds!

Simply right-click on your desktop home screen and select “Personalize”. Uploading these pictures in the “Background” tab will then make them available for selection. The procedure can vary slightly from device to device.

Let us know if you’re planning to switch your company to Ecosia and we’ll be in touch to support.

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