Crisis Support: Helplines featured in Ecosia's Search Results

We provide helplines of credible mental health support nonprofit organizations when specific harmful key words are searched for above our search results. The feature currently has its limitations as it depends on the country and languages within your Ecosia Search Settings. We are working to offer more localized contact information for multiple countries and regions.

The current organizations that we feature are:

Country Organization Number
Australia Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
Austria Telefonseelsorge Österreich 142
Canada TalkSuicide Canada 988
Germany Telefonseelsorge Deutschland 0800 1110111
New Zealand Lifeline Aotearoa

0800 54 33 54 (Lifeline)

0508 82 88 65 (TAUTOKO)

Switzerland Die Dargebotene Hand 143
United Kingdom Samaritans 116 123
United States Vibrant Emotional Health


1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)

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We want to support people in need, in case you find potentially harmful content on our results, you can directly report the result or ad  on the results page

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