Use Ecosia on your mobile

Follow these steps and start using Ecosia on your mobile device today!

Set Ecosia as your default browser on Chrome (Android)

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app Chrome
  2. To the right of the address bar, tap More and then Settings
  3. Under Basics tap Search engine
  4. Select Ecosia

Please note that Chrome only shows you the top 5 most popular search engines in your market at the moment. As a result, Ecosia may not appear. In that case, you can set Ecosia as your default homepage, access it through a bookmark or create a homepage shortcut. Be assured that we are always fighting to be in the top 5!

Set Ecosia as your default browser on Brave (Android)

When using the Brave mobile browser you can select Ecosia as your default:

  1. Open Settings and go to General 
  2. Click search engines
  3. Click on standard tab and select Ecosia
  4. Repeat for private tab

3 Screenshots of brave settings, click search engines and then choose your tab settings

Set Ecosia as your default in Safari (iOS)

When using the Safari mobile browser you can select Ecosia as your default:
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap on Safari
  3. Tap on Search Engine
  4. Select Ecosia

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