Ecosia Search Results: Search shortcuts

Ecosia shortcuts quickly get you to what you're searching for, faster. Whether you want a certain website's results or to get to a part of Ecosia more quickly, you can either use a # or ! at the beginning or end of your search query to help you find what you need.

Let’s say you want to search for a species of tree on Wikipedia. You can type the name of the tree followed by #w or !w to take you straight to the Wikipedia result. 

Picture of an example usage of the shortcut #w at the end of the search term

Picture of example usage of !w shortcut in the beginning

Here's an overview of Ecosia’s current shortcuts:

Amazon #a #amazon
Amazon Prime Video #apv #primevideo
Bing #b #bing
eBay #e #ebay
eBay Kleinanzeigen #ek #ebayklein
Ecosia Images #i #images
Ecosia News #n #news
Ecosia Shopping #s #shopping
Ecosia Videos #v #videos
Facebook #fb #facebook
Gmail #gm #gmail
Google #g #google
Google Drive #gd #gdocs #docs
Google Images #gi #gimages
Google Maps #maps #gmaps
Google News #gn #gnews
Google Scholar #gs #gscholar
Google Translate #gt #gtranslate
Instagram #ig #instagram
Internet Archive #ia #iarchive
Microsoft work files #work #files
Netflix #nf #netflix
Pinterest #p #pinterest
Reddit #reddit
Spotify #spotify
Twitter #twitter
Whatsapp #whatsapp
Wikipedia #w #wikipedia
Wolfram Alpha #wa #wolfram
Youtube #yt #youtube
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