Switch your large company to Ecosia

We estimate that a company of 5,000 employees can plant 48,000 trees over the course of a year, simply by changing its default search engine. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get planting!

Complete our online form and a team member will be in touch to support you. 

We advise large companies to follow these key steps:

  1. Pitch Ecosia
  2. IT & security review
  3. Run a pilot & gather feedback
  4. Set a date & prep internal comms

In this article, you will also find:

Step 1: Pitch Ecosia

Switching to Ecosia is a free and simple task for IT, but in order to be successful you’ll need your IT administrator, internal comms team and in some cases even a member of C-level to be on-board. 

Speak to your manager and ask if there is a process for pitching environmental initiatives. If not, we suggest approaching your sustainability team as it’s important to find colleagues who can help advocate for Ecosia. Try to secure support from other departments or environmental working groups and pitch the idea together to IT or C-level. 

We have assembled a range of documents not only to help you get familiarized with Ecosia, but to easily share the knowledge with your coworkers. We hope you will have all you need to help power your campaign! 

If you’d like one of the Ecosia team to join a call and help make the case, get in touch with fred.henderson@ecosia.org for support. 

Step 2 - IT and security review

We are one of the most privacy friendly search engines in the world. We never process any personal information (PII) and permanently anonymize the minimal data that we receive. 

But like any new software, Ecosia may need to be reviewed by your company’s data security team. Submit a request and ask them to review our privacy policy and terms of service

Once approved, your IT can explore the technical options for implementing Ecosia at your workplace. 

Ecosia can be deployed centrally by IT. Switching to Ecosia does not require individual employees to download the Ecosia browser extension. We have technical guides for roll out in Edge, Chrome and Firefox using Windows group policies or Microsoft Intune, depending on your IT setup.

Your IT team will be familiar with the tools needed to deploy Ecosia. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Step 3: Run a pilot & gather feedback

Every large company which uses Ecosia started off by running a pilot.

It’s important to note that your IT team can set Ecosia as the default on a small group of devices to begin with. We advise 50+, so you can gather some data and take note of employee feedback. Close collaboration with IT is essential for a successful pilot and the Ecosia team can be on hand to help you track your progress throughout. 

After running a month-long pilot you’ll be able to show your searches’ impact and inspire a wider roll out!

Step 4: Set a date and prep internal comms

Decide a date with IT to roll out Ecosia to more devices, branches, regions or company-wide!

It’s important that you let employees know about the switch in advance and so that everyone is aware of the environmental benefits of using Ecosia.

Here are some resources you can share with employees to keep them informed and engaged: 

Measure your performance

Tracking your organization's impact and seeing how your searches help plant trees is a big part of motivating teams to use Ecosia. We provide a monthly tree-report to companies with over 1,000 employees showing the number of searches employees have sent to us and an estimated number of trees financed.  

To receive a report, you can request a unique reporting code by completing our online application form.

Implementation is easy and of course this is a privacy-friendly way of measuring your impact.

Please note that the number of trees that we share cannot be used for formal sustainability reporting as it is simply an estimate made based on your number of searches. By using Ecosia your company will help to fund tree-planting projects around the world which you can learn more about in our financial reports

Once your IT team has configured Ecosia, let us know and we’ll be in touch to schedule your monthly tree-reports!

Get in touch

If you have any questions about making Ecosia the default at your company and would like to discuss further, please feel free to write to us here.

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